We are so PROUD of you!
Welcome to the Little PMs Showcase! Here, we proudly display the incredible projects completed by our little project managers. Each project represents creativity, dedication, and the valuable skills learned through the Little PM series.

Explore the diverse range of projects, from writing books to organizing birthday parties, all managed by our talented Little PMs. Every participant receives a special recognition certificate, celebrating their hard work and achievements.

Join us in celebrating these future leaders as they take their first steps in the world of project management!

  • Safiya & Ibrakhim Serik
    Project of writing book
    "Funny comic story"

    21 October 2023

  • Aisha Serik
    Project of writing book
    "A story about a mermaid"

    21 October 2023

  • Bibisara Balgabek
    Project of writing book
    "Cute kitten"

    26 November 2023

  • Diala Hasan Tayyeb
    Project of writing book
    "ليس كل ما يلمع ذهب"

    8 June 2024

  • Rania Alqahtani
    Project of organising a party

    14 July 2024

  • Tomiris Artykbaeva
    Project of writing book
    "The Dwarf and the Cat"

    7 August 2024
